Thursday, March 31, 2011

Eye of the Storm

I know I don't like dull or routine, but I've also decided I don't like chaos. Life right now has been just a tad CRAZY with all the new things thrown on our plates! Not unexpected things, well, one unexpected thing, but not all at once! I found a list of all most stressful things people go through in their lives, and I realize we have a lot of them:

1. Change in job
2. Buy a house
3. Sell a house
4. Move to a new city
5. Car trouble
6. Financial uncertainty
7. Change in family structure

What we DON'T have on there (thank goodness) is divorce, jail time, or death/illness in the family. So, no one reading this is allowed to die or get deathly ill in the next few months, ok? Deal! According to this list and scale, we scored a 262. 0-149 is healthy, 150-299 is unhealthy and cut back, and 300+ is dangerous and consider seeing a professional. So, we're not over 300...but there are days it feels like it!!

We just went through a bunch of crazy with Match Day anticipation, selling this house, going to Dallas to drop of Oliver and dogs, going to Temple to house-hunt, finding a house, making an offer, having the offer accepted, meeting up with my awesome sister, Elisabeth (yay!), back to Dallas, back to Lubbock, previously pricing items for a garage sale, then having missed said block-garage sale to find a new house in time to close it on our Lubbock's house's closing (that would be nice except for the guilt of relying on our awesome neighbors to sell our stuff for us), getting an inspection, getting repairs made (still working on that one), getting the loan on our new house squared away (still working on that one), and lining up the moon and stars, plus a few planets, other moons, and oh yeah, that other solar system over there! I feel like it's been a CRAZY 2 weeks, and I can take a quick break this afternoon before it gets crazy again with family in town for Easter, packing and moving and praying the closing dates manage to magically line up and we're not homeless for a few days with all of our stuff sitting in a truck somewhere between here and Temple.

What am I most looking forward to? Not the end of all of this, but for Easter. We CAN'T WAIT to have my whole family in town to celebrate! It will be our last hoorah in this cute little house of ours. We expected it to be slightly less chaotic since the average to sell a house in Lubbock is ~100 days...we would just be making a deal around then, according to statistics. But it happened in 7, and although it's NUTS, I am enjoying not having to do dishes 3 times a day, pick up toys all day, and be prepared to take Oliver and dogs somewhere at a moment's notice. We are in a bit of a pressure-cooker, but luckily I'm not in need of a major break. At this moment, Oliver's at MDO, and I got a haircut this morning, then cleaned the house - not my perfect 100% cleaning to sell, just a 75% job. And I'm okay with that!

Hey Nich and Elisabeth! What do Viagra, eyeballs, and ugly brownish all have in common?

They're all last year's Easter eggs! Ha ha ha ha ha! These are here and ready to paint!

1 comment:

Upside Down Girl said...

Wish I could be there to help color eggs and celebrate Easter with you all. Good luck keeping down the stress! hopefully you've had the bulk for the rest of the year already over :)