Sunday, March 6, 2011


 Yep, I think I'm addicted. I'm having too much fun drawing people right now and neglecting my normal routine of washing dishes and vacuuming...but I'm so going with it! I didn't have as much time today, so here's 2 people in about the time I drew Oliver yesterday...about 2 hours or so. And what is it with wanting to draw children/babies? I don't know, but I have tons to pick from!

I could pick these apart, but I've decided to just keep working at it. I know I'm not getting the expression on this baby girl right. She looks happy, but not as totally elated as in the photo. But I'M sure enjoying getting back into drawing!

AND, these gorgeous girls are my little niece and sister-in-law.

1 comment:

Amy Pita said...

Love this!!!! How fun!!!