Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crazy Cat People

Cute picture, huh? Well this story ends in a trip to the vet's office this week...
Jayde, a female cat who brought her 6 feral kittens to come live in our garage with the three other cats who have taken residence there, brought our already too many cats to WAY too many cats. We are officially the crazy cat people on the block with somewhere around ten cats. These are the ones smart enough to use the cat door originally installed for Belle, the first cat who kind of came with the house. Thankfully, there are many many dumb, or too fearful cats who won't try to push through the transparent piece of plastic into the safe and cat food-filled garage. So here we are. In fear of Jayde deciding it was a good idea to have her next litter with us, we got her snipped. No more kittens for her. She and her 6 kittens had this strange relationship where she was always mother to them, and they never really grew out of kitten stage - they still "nursed" when they were the same size as their mother, and even after she had been fixed...and she still cleaned them like they were tiny and helpless. So very strange. Anyway, she has since disappeared (she'd been making her absences longer and longer, so I'm hoping she found a better house) and two of her kittens have been taken. We are down to 7 cats if you're counting. 3 of the 4 remaining kittens are calm enough to pet (it's been 5 months, I sure hope so) with one little female (groan) who will only get within a yard of me. She is like her mother, I see her occasionally and I'm guessing she's going to be moving on sometime soon. The three left are one female, two males, none fixed.
You can tell where I'm going with this...we knew it would happen one day. These kittens would grow up. I, along with the other 5 male cats, noticed a Tom stalking the house. Oh no. He's wild and no amount of growling and hissing by the "three less-than-men-cats" is keeping him away. The two boy kittens are in awe of him, maybe because he smells like a MAN CAT, I don't know. But I knew it was going to happen, I just hoped I could keep it from Nich until I got the kittens fixed, since I knew he would flip out.

Pulling into the driveway from church we see little girl cat and Tom in the neighbor's yard. Her tail up, belly to the ground, rubbing her cheeks all over Tom, Tom drooling all over himself, brothers watching in intense curiosity from a yard away. Nich. Flips. Out.
From the car, all we can do is watch this strange and what should be a private moment (in the neighbors yard in front of her brothers, us, and God) as Nich is shouting, "What?? WHAT?? Why aren't the brothers stopping this?? Why aren't they protecting her?? They're just watching!!" I died laughing. They've probably already done the deed 20 times, and these are CATS, and the brothers are watching closely so they can try this new maneuver too. I tell Nich she probably has at least 5 suitors who will be next, and he goes A-wall, storms out of the car toward the "slut cat" (and many other names as he stomps toward them). Tom runs, kittens scatter, all is safe for now.
Cats 1, Nich 0.
I went to take a sleeping Oliver inside, and next thing I see, Nich's got a racket ball and headed for the door. "I'm going to kill a cat" is all I hear as he tries not to slam the door and wake Oliver. If you know Nich, this is hilarious! He's a teddybear and wouldn't hurt anything, so seeing him this enraged and on a cat-hunt is crazy!
Cats 2, Nich 0.
Fast forward to 3 AM that night. Daisy is whining at the garage door and has gotten Chester very excited by something going on in there. I turn on the light, look into the garage, and there they are. Little girl cat with her brother, him clumsily mounted on her but not sure what the next step is. Her patience is growing thin (it seems he's tried this a few times without success) and he's too excited to notice. My heart sank. Ugh, Yuck. Really? I knew it would happen, didn't want to SEE it though, UGH!!
Fast forward 8 AM that morning. The THREE of them have an appointment to get their fun-bits removed. UGH!
Cats 3, Humans, won.


Upside Down Girl said...

haha! great story :) with the Purrfect ending! Hopefully they can all find good homes now too.

Karen said...

hahaha...so funny. can't believe u are the crazy cat people. and can't believe nich cared that much for the cat.