Thursday, March 3, 2011


Art-Hands, is that like Sea-legs? And is that like riding a bicycle? Oh, so many metaphors. I'm confused too!

It's been a LONG time since I've sat and drawn something, and even longer since I've drawn a I'm trying to get back into it some. I promised a friend I would do a graphite drawing of her three gorgeous kiddoes, and then I thought, you know, I should really make sure I can draw again. She gave me this cute sketchbook as "prepayment" for the drawing (hopefully she's not too disappointed, ha ha ha!) so I thought that was the perfect place to begin a few sketches and get my art-hands back. Well, I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not having touched pencil to paper in so long...about 3 years? So here is my first attempt. I will say, in my defense, that I wanted to make the hair look fuller, have a different hair-style, and bring the baby closer to the mother's face. I'm not happy with this at all, but it was just a 30 minute sketch while waiting for a realtor to come look at the house today. I'll work on drawing some more and bring my skills back to where they once were before I start her project!

Yeah, it needs some work, but I thought I'd share my attempt. Maybe I'll share a more successful one later!


Upside Down Girl said...

Already sooo much better than I could ever dream of doing in 100 years!!!

Karen said...

wow...beautiful picture and sketch. I love it! You are definitely an artist! So Impressed.