Friday, March 18, 2011

Four-Legged Friends

I believe certain animals are assigned to certain people, when those people have a need for that particular friendship. I have always felt this way, and was reminded so much of it when my own best friend and confidante of 14 years, Shadow, passed away two years ago, two weeks before I gave birth to Oliver. It was almost like she was saying she knew I needed both a fantastic, loving husband, and beautiful, healthy child to replace her. And it's true :)

Yesterday, my brother's sweet little 11 year old Aussie, Sydney, passed away unexpectedly. We were just discussing how different life was for him just 11 years ago, and how much Syd witnessed and watched as he went through different relationships, jobs, cities, houses, and finally marriage and parenthood. It is amazing how much we rely on the love and loyalty of these sweet critters, and their perfect, boundless, unconditional friendship of these guys. Here is Sebastian and Sydney

And Elisabeth with her sweet little Roman:

My mother and her constant companion and protector, Bucko:

Me and my sweetheart, Shadow:

I know I am thankful to Shadow for bringing out my softer side, showing me how to outwardly express love, getting me through college, a move to Dallas, failed relationships, an abusive relationship, a dangerous date-rape encounter...then she fell in love with Nich so quickly that I knew he was a good guy, was there for our her trusting the missionaries so much that I even went to their church and eventually converted...she was such a support through 6 failed pregnancies, the death of our firstborn, and she finally let go when she knew all would be ok when Oliver was just two weeks away from coming home with us.

I know the 4 people here have amazing, strong stories of how these animals have supported them and helped them in their lives at JUST the time they needed that silent, furry strength, or soft place to fall. Here is to all those sweethearts we have 10,000 names for and not enough room in our hearts for.

1 comment:

Upside Down Girl said...

Amen for animals! Very nice tribute to our 4 legged family members.