Friday, December 9, 2011

Latest Beer News

Here's why I've been slow to update: *smile*

Here we are a few days before my C-Section - 38 1/2 weeks pregnant. So, I don't have one of those belly buttons that "pops out" to tell you when the baby's ready, my face just turns into a ball. I'm guessing it's so my belly doesn't feel so lonely in giganto-world...

Family picture - Oliver was thrilled, can you tell? It was close to lunch time and he was eyeballing the soccer ball we brought to kick around after the photos.

I love this picture since for the last 2 months, Oliver got SO EXCITED about having a baby brother, and would rub and kiss my belly all. the. time! So this didn't really have to be staged...we just asked where baby brother was.

And November 23, 2011 came! Baby Boy Beer was born 9:22 AM. He was 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and 20 1/4 inches long! No wonder I felt so huge and sore!
He remained nameless for three days...better than Oliver who took four days.

Nich (Daddy) cutting the cord.

Just as with Oliver, I was SO HAPPY to hear his loud cry! This little baby has some LUNGS! He is gorgeous and I couldn't stop kissing him and crying :)  He's perfect!
Actually, the doctors were suprised when Baby Boy started crying before they even got him out. The got most of his head out, and the crying started...he was ready! Or maybe really NOT ready to come out, hmmm.

Proud Papa

Oliver got to meet his baby brother later that afternoon. His aunt Sara holding him here. Oliver was kind of confused, but excited! 

34 hours old...couldn't get the picture to turn around, but here he is chilling out! At this point, his first name was Ian. Just need to think of a middle name we could agree on and that suited this little guy!

Back at home and Oliver's first time holding his baby brother, Ian Alexander Beer! He was SO EXCITED and kept pointing out eyes, ears, nose, mouth, fingers, feet, get it! And then showed Ian "Hook 'Em Horns" and "Guns Up!"

Oliver wants to hold Ian every chance he gets!

My guys! I love this bunch more than ANYTHING!

Ian's first 2 weeks of life:

And our new family picture taken just last night!

Some other information for me to remember and for anyone else curious out there...

-I'm SO GLAD I opted to NOT have a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-section) since the doctor told me I had a really thin area in my uterus that likely would have ruptured had I gone through labor. She reinforced it (I assume with medical duct tape) and told me I was good to have another baby so long as I don't go into labor. Ok!

-I've been able to nurse Ian, and after a few tough days, things are going great and he's back to his birth weight in a matter of days. YES!

-Week 1, I lost 20 pounds, and by week 2, it's down 26 pounds. Sounds good til you hear I had a total of 42 to lose...still a ways to go. But over halfway there!

-Oliver started sleeping through the night (finally) about 2 months before Ian was born, and can now sleep through the cries in the middle of the night. Thank goodness!!!

-I LOVE LOVE LOVE my family! We are so blessed with our 3 boys!