Friday, May 27, 2011


 Oliver's Mother's Day Out school did a cute little spring show before Easter, and it was adorable! Nich and I were able to go to the church and watch him and his buddies sing and dance to all kinds of kiddie songs. I've always enjoyed seeing little kids perform in front of their parents, but there is something so amazing about seeing your own little baby up there that just brings tears to your eyes! Seeing him so happy, and so BIG, I just imagined him growing up and all I wanted to do was capture this moment, and others like it, and keep him little and mine for as long as possible! These photos DON'T do it justice at ALL, but we do have video of this little show :)

The Program:

 Being wheeled down to the sanctuary...

Looking for familiar faces in the audience. For all of our waving, he never saw us! 

His sweet dance moves:

And then my whole family (minus Marian in Australia) came into town for Easter! We all dyed eggs and went hunting, but unfortunately several people fell ill, so the eggs were never eaten...but a lot of the chocolate was! My aunt made a DELICIOUS Easter lunch, and got all the necessary solid chocolate Easter bunnies for the occasion.

Here's Oliver with his uncle Sebastian and cuz IS Easter in this picture...ignore the jack-o-lantern.

 The HUNT:

Of course the obligatory egg-on-the-car-tire

With his aunt you think the birds really want to eat this egg, or did the Easter bunny put it there?

I wasn't feeling well when little Eliska went hunting, so I don't have pictures of her, but I did get Oliver searching :)
This was our last weekend in our Lubbock house, and hours after these photos were taken, our house was packed into boxes and driven (poorly) to our new house...that's another post though!