Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 5

A west Texas sunset:

 This is what it looked like in the East:

Most evenings, this is what we are blessed to see! These are pictures from my front yard...the pecan trees are across the street, and the pink sky hangs over the field right next to our house.
This particular evening, several guys of the neighborhood were playing a game of HORSE in our driveway, the kids were chasing each other around the yard, and the ladies were chatting about the future block-garage-sale taking place in a few weekends. These are the evening I will miss when we move!
On a side note...the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, where Indie and his father ride off into the sunset, was filmed in this area because it is known for such gorgeous sunsets. How amazing is that!

And now for the Oliver picture:

With this setup, he is tall enough this week to "dunk" it! A few weeks ago, he couldn't reach it, he's growing fast! Today while I was photographing him play with his Daddy, I couldn't help but wonder how I got so lucky. An amazing husband, an equally amazing little boy. I don't believe there are words that describe the absolute joy I feel, having this perfect little boy call me "Mama" everyday. ME! I still think, "Oh, that's me!" There is nothing comparable, and I love those two little syllables in his baby voice more than any other word. Ok, I'm done being mushy...I know I am blessed and I try not to take it for granted. I love my guys!

1 comment:

Upside Down Girl said...

Looks like Oliver is used to the Sleeping Daddy game lol! Love those sunset pics. What a great way to commemorate your time in Lubbock!