Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 4

I didn't post yesterday, but Nich and I met these little guys while driving around on the way to some delicious lunch after he got several cavities filled, and before he went back to work :)  He's not in pain today, so I think that means he DOESN'T need another root canal - good news! But they had to go really close to the nerve to fill one of them, so that was a bit of a fear until the numbness wore off. I know I need to go to the's been, what, 16 years now? Eeek!!! I think I can actually SEE a good 3-4 cavities. They don't hurt...but I might be the one in need of several root canals, blah. I'm debating on going to the dentist Nich saw (and the one our neighbors like and use, and our neighbor who repairs dental equipment says is one of the cleanest, best offices he's been in - that's saying a lot, he's sees it ALL), or the one a friend recommended because, one, he remembers his patients even outside the office, and two, he's good at what he does and there's a dental hygienist there who's really gentle, and three, he's super HOT. According to her...I don't know I haven't seen him, ha ha ha. Our neighbor has not been to his practice, so had no info on the REAL cleanliness behind the scenes...
Anyhoo, here's the bit of beauty for the day:

 He's so FUZZY! Love that! And there was a big sign that said it was ok to pet them, so I, of course, obliged! they were sweethearts, these two miniature horses.

And there were a few regular horses out there too, so in my excitement, I took a few of them too. Here's the lady who came over to greet us:

And the Oliver picture for the day. He enjoys laundry folding days - it's a new toy! I think we'll look back at pictures like this and think, wow, were you REALLY that little?!?! We are so in love with this little guy! His latest attempts at conversation are repeating "dumbadumbadumbadumb." SO CUTE!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

love your pics...don't know why i haven't checked out your blog in a really long time. you do such a good job. love it! And you should definitely go with the hot dentist...I know what i am talking about. They are really clean too!