Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I am on FIRE updating Ye Olde Blogge. Yes, I'm quite sure they had blogs in the olden days.

On yet another artsy note (yes I've been feeling the need to create these days, and no, not another baby. yet)...One of my thoughts for the Backyard Boutique was to capture different points of interest in this little city and creating some sort of photography or painting artwork with them. This town was (and I think still is) mainly known as a train depot. Here are three pictures I took a couple months ago that I really like but haven't done anything with yet.

This is taken from a bridge which overlooks one of the busiest places on the industrial side of town. The other side of town is all rural, so it's really neat to have an area that is mainly crops and cattle, and then hear the screaming whistles and chug-a-chugging of these massive beasts. The sound from this bridge is almost deafening with all the huge engines and horns, then add the automobile traffic from the bridge I was standing on. Quite a beautiful sight! I hope to take Oliver up here when he's a little bigger and there's less traffic to contend with.

This is a little caboose that had been set aside off the main tracks probably a few weeks ago. It looks very well used and had a few plants trying to creep up it. A little red caboose - like something from my childhood storybooks! 

And this was just a COOL thing to see!! This is in the rougher side of town down a little alley way between some apartments and some shops. It looks like the electricity for the entire town runs through this alley! I'd probably not be a huge fan of these giant transformers (?) right outside my window and fire escape, but it does make for an interesting view nonetheless.

I may adventure out again sometime on the rural side of things, but probably not anytime soon. Although some of the crops are coming up and the perfect uniform rows look really neat, and the ones that have grown a good foot look so green and lush. It's a beautiful drive around here when the crops are really getting going...and the cows and calves are fat and happy! Oh, and the bluebonnets are beautiful this year! Definitely bluebonnet picture time!


Upside Down Girl said...

Those are great! I agree with the little red engine. I think that one is my favorite out of this bunch.

Heidi aka Mom said...

you make that trainyard look so romantic!