Tuesday, March 3, 2009

There ARE angels here on Earth!

God works in mysterious ways. I have been put on temporary bedrest due to some strange pains, bruising, and discharge for three days, and if it worsens, I get to go in and have another ultrasound. In 24 hours, it has not worsened, and actually all the symptoms have gone. I am so thankful! But that is not why God works mysteriously. As this pregnancy has been progressing, I have gotten more and more concerned with how this baby is doing because with each passing week, it is closer to being "viable." I have been praying, as have a lot of wonderful people, for this baby, and I have been praying to feel comforted, knowing that no matter how many good ultrasounds I see I always wonder what's REALLY going on in there and if things are REALLY going ok.

Today I came home from the vet, with Daisy who has a yeast infection in her ear poor baby, and saw one of my neighbors across the street, raking up pecans, who I haven't run into since summer. In the year and a half we've lived here we've only spoken for a total of maybe 25 minutes. I don't even know her name. She asked if I could talk for a minute because she had to tell me something, and after short chit-chat about how Nich's doing in med school, I told her we were pregnant again, and she said now she HAD to tell me something, tears suddenly in her eyes, that she felt like she had to tell me for the past several days, but didn't know how to without sounding crazy. She said that she had a dream, out of the blue, of someone in the bathroom taking a pregnancy test, and it came out positive, and that it resulted in a healthy baby. She woke up from the dream, felt it was a message from above, and the first person that came into her mind was me! She kept trying to substitute other people she knew better, but her mind would always go straight back to me. She felt weird telling me she thought I might be pregnant, or be pregnant soon (understandably!) but kept feeling like she needed to come over and tell me.

Now maybe it is all coincidence that she had this dream, and I'm just so hopeful to hear any good news that I'm clinging onto this, but I couldn't help but hug her and feel that she really did have that dream for a reason, and that we ran into each other today for a reason, and that this is indeed a message of comfort! I feel so much calmer now and a little like I AM being watched over instead of having to try to fly "under the radar." My pregnancy prayer is that we have a happy healthy pregnancy, a happy, healthy birth, and that we get to take home and raise a happy, healthy baby. God just might speak to some of us in dreams, and I am greatful for those who have the courage to then tell about it - it might just be the answer to someone's prayers.
On a side note, the picture is a graphite drawing I did called "Jesus and the Lamb" which I actually copied and slightly modified from my favorite picture of Jesus. I don't ever do religious artwork, this being the only one and from 2007, but I thought it was suitable here.


Marv Loucks said...


I know you weren't able to make it to Enrichment tonight, but as I read this, it brought back the message that we heard. Jenn Moss talked about Faith and how sometimes little things that we say are what help other peoples faith grow. Whether it be what your neighbor told you, or how I felt as I read it, this does increase our faith. Isn't it miraculous how something that seems so simple can have such a profound effect. Thank you for sharing this. It planted that extra little piece of faith that I really needed right now.

Marv Loucks said...

Oh, and by the way, I absolutely love that picture, and if you ever decide to make another one, I would love a copy of it. It is beautiful! Even a scan of it to print out what be amazing! Thank you for being you! You give me a lot of strength in life!

Mary said...

That is a beautiful story! Heavenly Father is mindful of all of us and speaks to us/answers our prayers in many different ways. Your neighbor is an angel, a little piece of heaven God gave to you. I am so happy for you guys and will keep you guys in our prayers! Sorry we couldn't say bye to you! I wish you all the best, and please keep in touch! :)

Heidi G. aka Mom said...

Here's hoping!