Saturday, March 7, 2009

Oh silly me

So, I've been feeling GREAT this week! No more nausea, and only the occasional pain around my tailbone from that wonderful hormone, relaxin that loosens up all the muscles to make my hips even WIDER...cause I need that... And then yesterday, a day of no symptoms! I should have been happy about that, right? While I felt wildly comfortable in my newfound ability to move without looking like I'd dirtied my pants, and my ability to enjoy all kinds of food my stomach would normally reject (that translates to Greek in this case), I spent part of that time with the little thought in the back of my everything still ok in this pregnancy? Why don't I have ANY symptoms? My symptoms have been getting less and less and my energy more and more...and so goes the endless circle in my head. Well, because my body has an awesome sense of humor and wanted to teach my brain a lesson, I am sick today. Sicker than sick. Even after a Zofran, I went running to the bathroom. On my way there, I noticed my tailbone acting up again. And, now I'm getting a headache to boot. And out of the blue, my right calf has decided to throw in the occasional charlie-horse. Woo-hoo. Ok body, I've learned my lesson, can I please have it back?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your feeling pregnancy symptoms again for your mental peace - sorry about your physical discomfort. Nothing like morning sickness to destroy a liking for feta cheese.