Friday, March 15, 2013

Deep thoughts...

I want to share mine.

A mine. of sorts:
Very DEEP hole in South Africa, good for mining diamonds which are created in the Earth's mantle.

The tallest mountain range is underwater...this is not it, this is a vent. Very DEEP under the ocean.

DEEP and anxiety-producing thought.

Woah, that's DEEP, dude. And tasty.

Top of a volcano, very DEEP hole into the Earth
Very deep, very dangerous hole.

Because we all have DEEP thoughts...and occasional bad gas. Either way.

Because too many people take themselves WAY too seriously. (No, I never have.)
That is all.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I have been absent for too long, so I'm catching up on your blog. I like your deep thoughts.Funny and clever for those of us who sometimes take our lives too seriously.
