Sunday, July 17, 2011

Manly Stuff

 Nich's had a few days off now and he and Oliver were able to do some "real man stuff" in that time. Here's what they worked on today...baking cookies! Peanut butter cookies.

First, stir this.  Add this. Stir some more. Add some more...



                       TASTE mmmmm

BIG manly cookies.


Taste again...

Forget it, eat cookie dough by the spoonful like Daddy does!

Chester is available to clean any toddler hands

Magic baking machine


Ready to try some?

Oliver first...

 Not to worry, the dogs each got their own cookies after LONGING for the peanut butter goodness.

And on a funny note: Oliver and I were going through his little booklet of artwork he made at his Mother's Day Out program in Lubbock. Here is a group of cartoon kids at the bottom of the front of the booklet. He started pointing to the kids and naming them...

Mamma first - has the red hair, makes sense. Oliver next, has braids...ok, confusing but sure.  Then Daddy, the girl with the longest, curliest pigtails of all the little girls! I about died laughing. Oliver stuck to his story though, those were the 3 of us every time he pointed them out. Baaaaaaaaahahahahahaha!


Heidi G. aka Mom said...

Sounds like a fun day for all. And now I'm hungry for cookies.

Upside Down Girl said...

haha! Oliver is a silly one. Love the shirt he's wearing. Glad it finally fits after a year lol! Looks like Oliver has some of his "Good" genes for cooking :)