Tuesday, July 26, 2011

From the Experts

Thank you to the ladies who gave me wonderful advice and encouragement from my last post!! I keep re-reading the comments when things get tough :) I REALLY appreciate it so much!!!

My mom also reached out to help and sent us some light reading...

Thank you mom! (She said she chose them based on their reviews, and added that they probably all disagree and contradict each other, but may still be helpful - hahahaha! I'm betting she's right!) I've read through one of the books so far, The Happiest Toddler on the Block by Harvey Karp, MD, and like about 40% of what he says. The teacher in me is busy screaming at the other 60% of him that encourages EVERYTHING to be a negotiation/compromise, teasing about giving in (tell him "you always win" when you give them their way...so does that he mean he's a "loser" when he doesn't win?), and (I feel) raises kids with a sense of entitlement.  But I like the way he explains how to verbally reach and emotionally connect to a kid during a tantrum, and I like the way he sets up "time-out." (If Dr. Karp were to read this, I'm sure he'd say I didn't understand the techniques properly, but that's what I came away with, as did Nich and his mother when I read parts to them, so I feel justified, ha! - If you ever find yourself thumbing through the pages, read the story on page 254...I want to shout NOOOOOOO, NOT RIGHT!!) Anyhoo, I really did like some of it and am incorporating it into our lives. I'm happy to realize I already do most of the "secret tactics" given to keep a happy relationship with your toddler, and haven't noticed huge changes when it comes to Oliver not wanting to do something I've requested of him, but I'm going to give it a good 3 weeks or so.

I'm now reading Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers by Tracy Hogg. 20 pages in, and so far, so good :)

Oliver's decided to read this one...

Why "No" is every toddler's favorite word Why your toddler clings to you one minute and rejects you the next How to understand your child's sudden fear of familiar things like the bathtub

I think it'll really help him figure out why he does what he does. ;)

Actually I just thought it was funny that he looked at the pile and picked that one out to "read!"

So thank you thank you all, and I'm always up for more advice and pointers on what worked for you, OR what you wish you would've done differently.

I've also decided, according to "the experts," not to take away Oliver's pacifiers at night yet..."they" say not to do something that drastic 3 months before or 6 months after a huge life change like a "move" or a "new baby"...Hmmmm. Ok, I've read that in several places now, and since we moved 3 months ago, changed him to a bed, put him in a new school, and are have a new baby in 4 months, I guess we'll wait 'til he's three. Easy, done, yay!

And a funny Oliver story I have to share - While Nich was shaving yesterday, Oliver was sitting there watching him, then got up, grabbed the squeegy we use to get the shower-water off the glass door, and started "shaving" his own face :)  So funny!! So Nich put some shaving cream on Oliver's face, and squeegied it off :) Oliver was BEAMING after that!

1 comment:

Upside Down Girl said...

how cute!!! I hope some of the new techniques you learn work out. Looking forward to see how those pan out. You're doing a wonderful job :)