Saturday, January 17, 2009

This isn't MY waistline

I'm so tickled! I thought for sure no one would ever read my blog in a thousand years, besides family, so I thought I was safe to talk about this pregnancy and no one would be the wiser! Ha ha! I'm happy for people to know, just wasn't expecting it :) I will say that I am very happy to have such good people in my corner!

Anyway, I had forgotten just how awful morning sickness is, and didn't realize how much sooner my pants would stop fitting. We are two days shy of eight weeks, and I can only wear my low-rise jeans comfortably, but have to undo them when I sit. I refused to get out the old maternity clothes until at least 12 weeks, but alas, last night I didn't want to wear sweats to Chili's and broke down and fished out a pair of jeans with that oh-so-attractive maternity band! I will say, Ahhhh, so comfy!! It is kind of ridiculous though since the embryo is about the size of a small how the body changes for such a little guy! And thank goodness for Zofran! I don't know how I went through so many months without the super-potent anti-nausea drug with Julian.

We are also excited and scared to death about our upcoming ultrasound on the 22nd, next Thursday. It's really scary since it was that day one year ago that we found out we had lost Julian when I went in after not feeling him move all day. We are hoping for a good ultrasound, and to see this one growing and with a strong heartbeat...maybe that will help us get through the day and into the next few. January 24th will be Julian's first birthday. One thing that helps tremendously is that people (like our neighbors) remember that day and aren't afraid to say his name. I've always heard that people have a hard time saying a baby's name once it has passed, because they don't know if they should or if it will just remind the parents of what they've lost...I will say, the most helpful thing is when other's acknowledge your baby as having been a real person and using his name. Plus, being pregnant again doesn't suddenly make those memories any easier, although I wish it somehow would! Although...being pregnant does make it easier to see other pregnant women, I feel less like "damaged goods."

Ok, enough sad thoughts for today! Because I am not able to do much of anything around the house...I can't even vacuum because the contraption is over 10 pounds (a good thing and a bad thing since that chore and laundry are now up to Nich, hmmmm) is our "chores Adriane couldn't do this week" day. Nich just had a test Friday, so his whole day is free, what a great way to spend a Saturday :( We will FINALLY take down Christmas stuff (or maybe if it's up long enough they can pass for Easter decorations...), get the entirely-too-huge-pile-of-filled-trash-bags-that-has-become-its-own-lifeform out of the garage, bathe Shadow -at nearly 14 years old and 70 pounds, it is quite a feat to get her in and out of the tub! - and get the front yard looking presentable...the freezing temperatures have not been kind to our plants. Oh what fun! Hopefully we will be done in time to watch our new favorite, and disturbing, series, Dexter. The humorous story of a blood-spatter expert for the Forensics Dept. for the police, who is a serial killer on the side...but he only kills bad guys...Yes, I was totally weirded out when Nich first wanted to rent them but it's actually cleverly done. Off to work, or rather, "supervise" Nich work!

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