Saturday, May 11, 2013

Spare Time

They opened a new bowling place here and Oliver's been begging to go! We decided to surprise him one day...

After Nich showed him how to do it, Oliver developed his own form. I have to say, a 34.5 pound kid with a 6 pound bowling ball. Not too shabby!!

He decided we should stand back and watch him. This is how it went down every single time -

And Ian happily ate french fries when he wasn't playing with the air to dry your fingers
And Oliver and I in a virtual race car. It totally freaked him out! He still talks about how much he doesn't like driving. Good!! Ha ha!


Upside Down Girl said...

haha! yes, keep Oliver away from the wheel!! You are still looking very trim Mrs. Beer :)

liz said...

bowling with kids can be so much fun =) Looks like Oliver knows how to have a good time!