Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Ok, first I have to say that my husband is a trooper...he did his first pelvic exam yesterday! (Yes, Ick, as Cara said! Ha ha!) Wow! His first rotation is Ob/Gyn and apparently they've already gotten them doing "real" medical stuff on only his second day! It's almost like he's ACTUALLY going to be a doctor one day! Ha ha ha!

Ok, life in other areas have had its share of drama too. We are now scheduled to have DAILY NST's and 2 ultrasounds a week to measure fluid. I think it's mostly for my personal sanity, but anyone who's been with me in the room during an NST can confirm that I do not handle "non"-stress tests well! Baby has always passed and looks good, but it drives me crazy to listen to his little heartbeat for 30-45 minutes a day. You'd think it would put me at way. Every time it speeds up and slows down, I look and see if it's still in normal range, then when he moves away from the monitor and there is no heartbeat sound, it drives me crazy! I think it's mostly because Julian's heart actually STOPPED during an NST and started up again several seconds later a few days before he passed away, so I am completely stressed out during these things. That said, I always feel better when we leave when the nurses tell me how great the baby looks :)

But our little boy still looks great and was sleeping during today's NST, so they had to buzz him. Yes, that woke him up with a huge startle and huge increase in heart rate and movement, and when I got home, he was out for a good 3 hours, poor guy got stressed out I think! I'm happy he's been back to his more wiggly self the last hour or so.

I also have to say that while Nich has started his rotations, I am so thankful that his mom has been able to stay with us for 2 weeks to help take care of me! :) In all honesty, I was a little weirded out by how all that would work since it's not every day your mother-in-law takes care of everything all day long! But it's been wonderful having her here, and chit chatting with her really helps the days go by faster, that and delicious home cooked meals every night! Mmmm. Our dogs are totally infatuated with her since she takes them for a run in the morning, then frisbee, then another walk at night after Nich's taken them to the park to run around like crazy, well, animals. They are sooo going to miss her when she leaves! But, then my parents come up for 2 weeks, so there will always be some fun excitement going on! :)

Our next ultrasound is Friday, so hopefully we'll get some good pictures to post :) Thank you also for all the prayers, I know they are definitely a comfort for me and Nich.

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