Saturday, October 23, 2010

October 18, 2010: First Haircut!

A few days ago, Nich and I both sadly agreed that Oliver was in need of a haircut! No amount of conditioner and brushing could keep his pretty blond locks from getting scraggly and haywire anymore! Wet, the back of his head was all curls, but once it dried it would be a mix of straight and wavy, and just out of control...a little mullet-looking as well. It is the last "baby" part of him, so he is officially a boy. Not a baby, but a toddler. Why is this act the cross-over? He doesn't speak yet and he's still in diapers, but he runs, dances, yells, and cracks jokes! And now has short hair. It's cute, even if I say so myself, and I'm glad I can style it again instead of it being all over the much as one can "style" a 14 month old's hair. And, he was AWESOME through it and liked seeing the collection of 2-3 inch hair in the little zip-lock bag!

Yes, I'm keeping his hair...I still have 3 or 4 of my braids that were cut off from various childhood haircuts, and you can see how my hair slowly got darker and darker. It's cool!

I also have tiny 1/4 inch hair from Julian's head. His was so dark in comparison! But Oliver was born with brown hair that was all replaced with a strawberry golden color. When he's all grown up, I'm not sure he'll appreciate his baby hair as much as I like my braids, but that's ok...I will :)

1 comment:

Upside Down Girl said...

haha Yeah! I think you should bring them out when he brings his first date home :)