Friday, March 22, 2013

7-Day Challenge, Take 2. Day 1

Sometimes we all need to whine. I wrote a long post about how I am currently feeling overwhelmed, but after writing it, venting it, and getting it out of my brain, I feel much better. And less whiny. Especially now that my little one is sleeping peacefully and I can go take a shower. I am doing another 7 Day Challenge like I did 2 years ago (funnily enough when Oliver was Ian's age, and at the end of February/beginning of March, go figure). My favorite pictures from then are this one and this one. Here's the picture from today - a tree in full pink bloom today, another overcast day.

In case you're wondering what on earth the 7-Day Challenge is, it's a photography challenge I give myself when I'm feeling "off" with the world for a long time. I drive around until I find something of beauty that challenges my foul mood and view on things, take a picture, and post it. It is really therapeutic (for me anyway), and then I have proof everyday for a week of how wonderful this life and this world is. This is certainly a good one to start with, and is in a grouping of trees I drive by on the way to Oliver's school just 10 minutes away.


Liz said...


Rachel Holloway said...

So beautiful! and I had hoped you would come today for craft Group, even if there wasn't a craft to do. I am so sorry things geek overwhelming right now. I would love to help...a please let me know!

Upside Down Girl said...

we must be related....that is my therapy too!! Love the pinks. so pretty :)