Thursday, October 11, 2012

Organize ME!!! (again)

I am a lover of organizing and labeling and sorting and everything having a "place". One of my favorite areas of a store is the office section because of all the envelopes, labels, papers, bins, baskets, hole get the idea. Why? I have no idea! But I'm always looking for ways to keep things organized - they say your house is a reflection of you...I'm sure I'm attempting to keep things just a step away from chaos both in my head and in my house! Ha!

Do you remember this post where Oliver and I re-organized our Lubbock kitchen? Well, it had to happen again I suppose, just here in our current home...

Here is the view upon opening the pantry:

And as you peer around the corner:

Oh yeah baby!

 Plastic bins with handles at Big Lots for $2.50 a piece, and, wait for it, LABELS on the handles!

I love it!

Nich is terrified of it, hahahaha!!

I can find everything SO much EASIER it's laughable! Now I need to find another project...lots to choose from in this house, let me tell ya!


Heidi G. aka Mom said...

I know a pantry that needs organizing too! Though it makes it easier if you don't have someone in our family that gets gobs of identical things when they are on sale! Really messes us the organization.
Looking good!

Upside Down Girl said...

awesome! Can you organize my inbox at work??? lol!