Saturday, March 10, 2012

Some more pictures

In my last post, Oliver was my little monkey. Well, Ian has the same hat in his size...had to add the obligatory banana which he chewed on very happily.

Very pleased!

Oliver teaching his little brother the magic that is the MagnaDoodle...and Ian totally engrossed with his big brother's every word

Oliver wanted to use the camera, so here's a cute picture he took of Ian doing some "tummy time" - He's got an eye, dontcha think?

My three guys working on an alphabet puzzle. Nich just got off the night shift and is about 63 seconds from passing out...

While applying my make up one morning before heading off to storytime at the library, Oliver became inspired. He wanted to do my make up...but thankfully Za offered her face as his palette.  Aren't they gorgeous?? I think, definitely!


Za said she needed to capture this moment of "multi-tasking mom" as I hold Ian and help Oliver cut his nails on our rocking chair. I love these moments!

Bath time!! It's amazing at 3 months old, he fills up the whole thing!

Best brothers EVER!!!

Chillin' in big bro's bed...contemplating his next move...

1 comment:

Upside Down Girl said...

Aww they are way toooooo cute!!! I can't wait to see them and give them huge kisses and hugs.