Thursday, February 9, 2012

A few weeks in photos

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last few weeks. I will say that there is quite the learning curve when going from raising a toddler to raising a toddler and an infant! We're starting to get the hang of it 11 weeks later...although barely!

Here are my boys, my life!

Pictures taken in this room always make people look jaundice, although I assure you Ian is just fine :) His umbilical cord is still attached here.

the first Ian smile captured on film, er, phone.

And more fun faces.

With the best big brother ever!
 And awesome Aunt Za!

Oliver with his new favorite monkey hat (thanks Kalee!) and he happened to be eating a banana...HAD to be photographed :)

He REALLY likes the taste of his right hand

Chester's learned to calm down a bit

And Daisy, always the Mamma Dog

Oliver and Ian were laying in the dark together one evening before bed, and were holding hands. It's a terrible quality picture because, a) it was taken on my phone and b) it's in the dark. But I HAD to capture this moment and post it so I don't forget how sweet these two are together!

Nap time...Oliver did not sleep this day...

It's not a favorite picture, but it's one of the only ones I have of me and Ian. I think it's safe to say we're all in love with our growing family!


Upside Down Girl said...

yay!!! so happy to see all the pics :) He's growing up so fast!! Can you put them on hold until I get there?!??!

Anonymous said...

What hansom boys you have! They are growing up! Thank you for the commenting on my blog. It helps a lot! I miss seeing you guys. Hope you guys end up back here. There is a house for sale down the street. Dont think its a keeper, but at least you guys would be close:) Have a wonderful time being a SAHM. (I had to look up what that was haha.)

Karen said...

Love the pics! Can't believe how much Oliver has changed since we saw him last summer. Glad you are adapting to your family of four! Miss you guys.

Mary said...

So precious...your whole family! So happy for you guys :)