Saturday, October 3, 2009

Which country sounds the smartest?

So I was watching TV this evening when a silly commercial came on trying to convince people they are too dumb and uncoordinated to cut their finger and toenails with conventional nail clippers. "A $60 value for two nail clippers with a magnifying glass and "bright light" for ONLY $10!!" Wow, what a deal! I'm wondering what on Earth the people getting paid to market these goofball products are thinking...surely they know we're not really that dense, and for those who really ARE unable to cut our own toenails, like having a giant pregnant belly, well that's what nail salons and husbands are for - no fancy nail clipper is going to change the fact that pregnant ladies can't even SEE their feet, let alone touch them.

Then it occurs to me, the announcer has a British accent! Oh yeah! That makes her smart, right? So we should buy this product because it's from an obviously smart British lady! (Ignore that it's a really bad, fake British accent, ha ha!)

I think it's awesome how "smart people" in our movies, tv shows, and now commercials all have British do "bad guys" and aliens, no matter what planet or universe they're from. Oh, and anyone being portrayed from another country or old time period - I saw a movie that took place in Ancient Egypt, and by golly they were all actually British! I love it!

But now I'm confused because when I came back from living overseas, with a British accent, British grammar and vocabulary, everyone looked at me all sideways and mocked my funny words for everyday objects. Huh!
Oh no, I just realized that although I may have sounded audibly "smart," because there was no Hollywood script to follow, I didn't REALLY sound so smart...ha ha ha! Oh dear! :)


Heidi G. aka Mom said...

Great picture. He's a growing boy for sure. And somewhere around 6 weeks they are supposed to work on that smiling thing.
And about those clippers - failing eyesight IS a problem, but that contraption looks way too convoluted to actually maneuver around your toes.
Provincial midddle and high school kids don't get accents. If it's not what they are used to, its to be laughed at. Seems to be true of too many adults as well. Yet, an interesting study showed that when a black person was speaking with the british accent, they were immediately assumed to be smarter that the the same black person speaking with an American accent, at least in America............not sure what the Brits thought.

The Fabulous Voice of Justin Duncan said...

But...they have a magnifying glass...