Thursday, October 22, 2009

We finally have a family portrait!

Thanks to Oliver's Gammie, we have a family portrait! Nich's mom's in town for this week and it's been just lovely :) Oliver is in LOVE with her and all the cute nursery rhymes and songs she tells him while dancing around the house, him in her arms. I'll tell you what, Oliver's so lucky to have the best grandparents ever!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

A REAL smile!

I LOVE my baby! I am so lucky to get to wake up to this smiling, cooing face every day now! My sweetheart! How does he suddenly look so much older than his 8 weeks?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Little Boy

A few pictures of Oliver napping on his belly...another time he slept out of my arms! :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Not so happy

I love all my pictures of Oliver and all of his little faces he's made that I've been able to capture on film. Here's another side of him - his sad, squished face that we see every night for a few hours starting around 6 or 7. But these are somehow so cute and just tug at my heartstrings!

Not in love with the carseat today
Can't find his pacifier during "tummy time"

Not ready for a diaper change - I got the camera because he had been so happy just seconds before!

And the meltdown...

Oh my sweet boy! He's such a great little guy and he's growing so fast! At 6 weeks, he was 10 pounds 6 ounces and 22 inches long...he's grown 2 inches and gained 3 pounds 4 ounces in his little life! Nooooo!!!! Ha ha ha!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Funny faces!

Oliver LOVES to be outside, in a breeze, under our pecan tree, in the front yard! It's the only place he'll fall asleep by himself (well, not in someone's arms...I don't leave him there ha ha!!) and could spend hours out there! So today I took my camera with me to capture some of his personality and he sure was posing for me! They were all so cute, but here are some favorites...

With Mommy :)

That one's just cute!

"I'm gonna knock you out, Momma said knock you out"

Cute profile

Playing drums


Little Face :)

Give us a hug!!


Sleepy baby

Oliver's close up

Our blue burrito!

My little baldy :)

So, I have a few more, but I'm realizing I'm "that" mom if I put too many more on! Our little man is just such a cutie patootie!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Which country sounds the smartest?

So I was watching TV this evening when a silly commercial came on trying to convince people they are too dumb and uncoordinated to cut their finger and toenails with conventional nail clippers. "A $60 value for two nail clippers with a magnifying glass and "bright light" for ONLY $10!!" Wow, what a deal! I'm wondering what on Earth the people getting paid to market these goofball products are thinking...surely they know we're not really that dense, and for those who really ARE unable to cut our own toenails, like having a giant pregnant belly, well that's what nail salons and husbands are for - no fancy nail clipper is going to change the fact that pregnant ladies can't even SEE their feet, let alone touch them.

Then it occurs to me, the announcer has a British accent! Oh yeah! That makes her smart, right? So we should buy this product because it's from an obviously smart British lady! (Ignore that it's a really bad, fake British accent, ha ha!)

I think it's awesome how "smart people" in our movies, tv shows, and now commercials all have British do "bad guys" and aliens, no matter what planet or universe they're from. Oh, and anyone being portrayed from another country or old time period - I saw a movie that took place in Ancient Egypt, and by golly they were all actually British! I love it!

But now I'm confused because when I came back from living overseas, with a British accent, British grammar and vocabulary, everyone looked at me all sideways and mocked my funny words for everyday objects. Huh!
Oh no, I just realized that although I may have sounded audibly "smart," because there was no Hollywood script to follow, I didn't REALLY sound so smart...ha ha ha! Oh dear! :)