While chatting with my Aussie sister on Skype the other night, I had a funny story for her about Oliver. I didn't get a chance to tell her because the subject changed, but it occurred to me to go ahead and blog about it. So, a while ago I'd written a post asking the question, "What am I doing wrong as a mother, or is my child just being TWO??" I loved the feedback that assured me every parent is in that boat at some point. Many points along the way, actually. But after feeling very uplifted and encouraged by the feedback, I changed how I reacted to Oliver.
I felt like I was getting on his case all day, every day, and the poor child couldn't do a thing right. I kept trying to set up opportunities for him to succeed but most things ended in tears, disasters, time outs, the usual mess. By 25 months old, he still wasn't sleeping through the night, and at 7 months pregnant, I was really worried about how I was going to handle two sleepless children. Thankfully, Oliver has always had a really relaxing, happy bedtime routine that he looks forward to. He's one of those kids who can't wait to jump in bed for nap or night time! I decided to tweak it one night, and tell him the good things he did that day that made me proud of him, right between the part where I finish singing songs and give him hugs and kisses. I was determined to find 3 things, and some days it was tough. I'd ask "You know what I'm proud of you for today?" and he'd immediately roll out of the covers, lay across the bed on his belly, and look at me, face in hands. We've done this every night since, and magically (along with some other efforts) he started sleeping through the night! His behavior is also much improved, and I actually saw improvement in his attitude the very next day :) It is now to the point where, if I forget to tell him what I'm proud of him for that day, he rolls over, lays on his belly, stares at me and says "Wait, no! Proud you da-day!"
I digress. Back to the funny story, which is so built up now, it'll likely disappoint. Oh well, ha ha ha!
So fast forward 9 months later, and after telling him what I'm proud of him for, I ask him if there's anything he wants to talk about for a few minutes - this is one of our few times to be just the two of us, uninterrupted. He'll often tell me something that went on during the day, or remind me of the times he was "for-real crying"...getting soap in his eyes, falling off a 4' porch, having his tricycle break while he was riding it...those are his favorite things to reminisce ever since we had the discussion about what a "real cry" and "fake cry" are (fake = whiny).
So this one night, we were having a real heart-to-heart about him using the toilet 4 times, having a dry diaper after his nap, saying please and thank you all day, seeing an airplane so high in the sky I couldn't believe he spotted it, etc. And then he said "Know I'm prouda you da-day?" Me, thinking, wow the tables have turned and this is such a special moment, I wonder what he's got in mind..."What's that?" Oliver:"When Mama did a BIG BURP. BLAAAAAAARP!!!" Much laughter and giggling ensued.